Why I Changed My Mind about Clubhouse.

Why I Changed My Mind about Clubhouse.

Are you on Clubhouse? Do you know what Clubhouse is? If not here is a great article that has a great video explaining the app step by step.  It’s like a live podcast or radio show that you listen to and can share in the conversation. The app is available only on iPhone or iPad and is invite-only. Social Media Examiner says “The focus is on high-value conversations rather than produced content.”

First Impressions of Clubhouse

To be honest, when I first heard about Clubhouse I was not for it. I heard about it last Fall in the Mattie James Facebook group and “I don’t need another thing to be on when I barely can keep up with what I am on already.” But that doesn’t mean I wasn’t curious when this month a beautiful 🦋 messaged me and asked me if I would consider joining. 

I went on YouTube and saw some videos and it looked like a HOT MESS. People arguing about nonsense and that definitely turned me off to the app.  Then another beautiful 🦋 who told me she was on the app and gave me her experience. She told me she was looking for Clubs and Rooms about Gray Hair and did not find any. She thought it would be a good opportunity to provide a space on the app for those on their gray hair journey. She reminded me that with any social media app it’s how you use it. I agreed and decided I would at least give it a try and if I didn’t like it I would delete it.

That is when I found this video describing the app in detail. It was so helpful. 

Only two days on the app and I started joining rooms and I even got the nerve to raise my hand in a room. Everyone was sharing how they practice self-compassion and I was the last one to speak. I was so nervous but I did it and it wasn’t as bad as I feared. 

Moderating My First Room On Clubhouse

I was able to collaborate with two amazing silver sisters and create a room that talked about gray hair. It was so nice. It was 10 of us in a room and we each took a turn sharing our gray hair story and asked questions. It lasted for an hour and a half and it was amazing! We have another coming up this Friday, January 29th at 7 pm EST. I can’t wait to connect with you there if you can join. 

What changed my mind about Clubhouse. 

Although I originally came on to Clubhouse for providing a space for women on their gray hair journey. The room I was in this past Tuesday made me appreciate this app on another level.

There are many rooms filled with experts in their field graciously sharing their tips and advice to help you which is awesome. On Tuesday I saw a room titled Balancing Influencing and Motherhood. This room was such an experience! 

I am so thankful to Rada @superadaworld and her co-moderators for creating that space. It was a room I did not know I needed. I went in there for practical tips on “how to” but what I got more of is a feeling seen and heard from the experiences of other women. There is nothing like feeling less alone when you hear you are not the only one who struggles with certain things.

Being a mom is something many women can relate to but being a mom who creates content on social media has its own special challenges and so to hear other women who go through the same thing was very powerful.

Being in that room also reminded me how powerful words are and how when we use them to build others up we have given them a gift.

Get the 13 tips that I gained for mamas who work here. 

Why I am loving Clubhouse

1. Audio only

I love that the app is audio-only. I feel there are fewer distractions and you can focus on what is being said. I also love that I can show up in my pajamas and not have to be “camera-ready”.

2. Authenticity

The fact that the audio chats are live can help what you hear feel more genuine and real rather than curated or edited. 

3. Courage

I have been able to push through my fear and speak in different rooms and see that I do have value to share and also not be afraid to ask questions. That’s how you get answers and I have been able to connect with people and have opportunities I wouldn’t have if I didn’t step out of my comfort zone. 

4. Connections

In 9 days I have met some amazing women and formed connections that I never thought I would. You also get to know people you have seen on other platforms better.

5. Value

The amount of value that is given in some of these rooms by experts is so amazing! 


One thing I will say that others told me that is true is that this app is addictive! It can be a black hole and because you can only listen to one room at a time you can feel FOMO but that just gives me an opportunity to practice prioritizing my time and being more intentional when I go on the app.

Will you be going on Clubhouse? Let me know in the comments. If you are on there already let me know what your experience has been.

If you can join me this Friday, January 29th, 2021 7 pm EST for a Gray Hair Chat.

 Remember to bring love and compassion to every change and challenge you face.🦋

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