Boundaries are an act fo self-care.

Boundaries are an act fo self-care.

Can you relate? Are you an overachiever or recovering people-pleaser like me? Do you run yourself to empty trying not to disappoint anyone and then wonder why you don’t have anything left?

It feels heavy like a weight on your shoulder. You have reached a fork in the road and you can go left or right. You know you need to go down the road of boundaries but that means you will have to face the fears of disappointing others. What will you do, because the way that you have been going has not been serving you and you know it?

gray hair black woman

How Writing is Helping me.

Writing is an amazing release.
Opens my mind to so many insights that just thinking things in my head does not do.

Writing slows me down.

Gives me clarity about what I really want to do where I really want to go.

How I'm really feeling what the root of the issue is.

Here are my Insights

My last blog post was about enough being enough and learning how to be content with the little bit that I can do. My own words came to my head this morning when I realized that I am writing all those nice words but I am not practicing. I have been in the flare-up season since the end of June. I told myself that I learned the lesson from this flare-up; that I have not planned enough rest and recovery proactively instead of just reacting to my body when I've overdone it.

It is so much easier said than done to do better and doing better doesn't mean a 180 transformation all the time, it means 1% better. I realize the hardest time to take a break is when you feel like you still have a good 20% left and instead of recharging then I use up what I have left.

Content creation is a long-distance marathon not a sprint by any means. Making sure I have the energy for the more important things in my life is a priority for me. I was trying to do it all and was humbled when I realized how I was not being modest and realizing that I can do many things but not all things or all at once.

Boundaries are an act of self-care.

The most consistent thing in life is change. Things change by the day, hour, minute, second. So reevaluating when by the day because with chronic conditions the way I function during a flare-up is different than when I am not in a flareup. My goals are to do SOMETHING not everything because something is ALWAYS better than nothing! Then be content with, however “small” that is and focus on showing up in the way that I can at any given moment.

Being ok and giving myself permission for showing up differently in this present season. I love engaging and meeting new butterflies on Instagram but engaging does take a lot of energy. I will take a break and gain my strength and also focus on my first love writing. That is why this blogging challenge could not have come at a greater time. I can still show up in a way that does not take up all of my energy.

Hello Beautiful Butterflies do you find yourself overwhelmed or burned out? Well this podcast is for you! I heard a quote from Elton Trublood about boundaries and realized that is what has been missing. You can't serve from an empty cup. We all know about boundary setting but lack enforcing them.

I also am enjoying doing podcast episodes like this one where I give more of my insights on boundaries with time and work. Check it out.

So when you are at a crossroads of burn out and recharge I encourage you to choose to recharge and deal with the temporary discomfort of disappointing others versus the longer discomfort of being burned out.

Remember love is the best motivator for change so bring love and compassion to every journey that you're on.🦋

How Being a Mom Inspired Me To Go Gray

How Being a Mom Inspired Me To Go Gray

Enough is Enough!

Enough is Enough!