How Words or Stories Have Power
When you see yourself in someone’s story.
Have you ever read an article book or watched a video and feel like “OMG “that’s me” or “I’m not the only one who feels like that.” I will never forget the feeling I had when someone told me that a video I did let them feel seen.
I was overwhelmed with emotion because I have felt that way myself and it’s so comforting in the midst of feeling pain and feeling alone.
Telling your story makes a difference.
This morning I went from crawling out of my skin, feeling overwhelmed to feeling a sense of calm.
How did that happen? It was from reading my feelings on the page of someone else’s words.
I was feeling down about something I was struggling with and felt like “something is wrong with me” but when I read this woman’s story and saw not only did she feel the same as me she also was able to succeed in spite of her challenge.
I have seen the truth of this quote. Don’t underestimate the power of your story to help others.
That gave me such comfort and hope and I’m so thankful that with each season of my life and story that I tell, there is at least ONE person who gets it and lets me know it. That’s enough for me. It is easy to get wrapped up in vanity metrics because that is what is promoted but when you can have a positive impact on just one person that is a priceless gift.
There are also those who are like me who read something that is life-changing that inspires me to be better and they don’t leave a comment. Even though I didn’t comment or email them, I did save the article or I talked about it to someone else and I thanked them in my heart.
I write for those of you just like me. Who may be so overwhelmed with your situation or you don’t feel comfortable being public about how you feel nonetheless you got what you needed. It also helps keep me disciplined to keep going knowing each time I do I will hit my quota of at least one person being impacted positively.
Words have power.
I want to use my words and voice so that you feel seen, validated, heard, and supported.
Please check out these encouraging FREE audio downloads to feel SEEN HEARD AND SUPPORTED.
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