5 Daily Intentions to Practice Today.

5 Daily Intentions to Practice Today.

We have all been there at the beginning of the year setting goals. The way this year has done us so far can make you feel like what’s the point. But, every day is a new opportunity to start again and do better. We don’t have to wait for next Monday, next month or next year.

Goals can feel overwhelming in general but what has helped me is instead of focusing on larger goals like Self-Love or contentment. I have decided to focus on daily Intentions which help me start small. In a simple action step, I can contribute to my overall goals without feeling overwhelmed.

black woman with gray hair

It is our daily choices that add up to our results in the end. So daily focusing on efforts rather than the end goal can help us stay consistent. 

Self-Love which includes Self-Compassion is not just a 2020 goal, it’s an ongoing goal that we work towards. Each day and season of our life provides an opportunity to practice. The three seasons in my life that give me on the job training in self-love are:

  • natural and gray hair journeys 

  • motherhood

  • chronic illness

Here are 5 daily intentions you can implement that can help with the goal of practicing self-love.

1. Celebrating small wins.

Showing up every day is not easy so notice the ways you show up and celebrate that.

2. Finding gratitude in small things. 

Look for the things that are there instead of what is not.

3. Focusing on what we CAN do.

It’s very easy to think of all the limitations and not the things we still can do.

4. Forgiving ourselves.

Did you compare yourself to someone or not enforce a boundary? Forgive yourself, dust yourself off, and get back up.

5. Committing to a SMALL action.

Rinse and Repeat Quote Graphic

Commit to at least one loving thought about yourself today. For example, I am doing the best I can with what I have and that is ENOUGH.

You can choose ONE to work on each day. Let me know in the comments which one you chose for this week.

I chose #4 to work on this week. This one helps me get up faster each time.

What I learned about my gray hair from a failed perm rod set.

What I learned about my gray hair from a failed perm rod set.

How Being a Mom Inspired Me To Go Gray

How Being a Mom Inspired Me To Go Gray