Me In The Middle

Me In The Middle

So this is not about giving advice on what to do because there are many sites, books, videos, etc. that are out there for a how-to. What I want to do is talk about the middle. There is not much seen about the middle. The part that you grow through. It is an unavoidable part of the process that you can learn to appreciate. 


 In the middle, you stop being who you were and you practice being who you want to be. The one who is in you already but was covered by what you thought you had to be; or circumstances in life (what I like to call seasons) call for you to be a better version of you. 

In the middle is a lot of doubt. Am I doing it right?Who am I? It feels uncertain. It’s a scary place to be. But if you keep swimming through you start to see the light through the cracks. 

I’m here to share my middle, the thoughts that run through my mind and the doubt and fear. Maybe as you read them you will relate and feel less alone. Maybe you can start to feel compassion for your struggle. Validate your struggle without comparing it to anyone else’s. 

Maybe you can make peace with it and accept it, you and ultimately love you for who you are, right now at this moment before the change is complete. Isn’t that really the point anyway? To love unconditionally. 




Ready, Set….GO 

Ready, Set….GO