Abundance vs. Lack

Abundance vs. Lack

Abundance vs Lack


There is nothing like having a cheerleading section in your life during the times you miss a goal or have to sit on the bench. I am so thankful for the people in my life who are there to pick me up when I can’t. 

I have an amazing life coach who reminded me today that 90% of my thoughts are from yesterday. She reminded me of the need to rewire my brain with new thoughts, new roots, new seeds. I can do that by focusing on my blessings not struggles. I don’t have to ignore my struggles but I certainly can turn that rain into a rainbow, that sour lemon into lemonade. It’s all in how I look at it. Will I let my thoughts for today empower me or zap me of the strength I need to get through today. There is such wisdom in just focusing on today. Because each day certainly has it’s share of anxieties and troubles. My heavenly Father is truly the source of all wisdom I hear and see. He knows I can’t handle more than today. He also tells me that the joy of my heart is good medicine. The more I align my truth with his I am never disappointed. 

So focusing on the love I have been shown, the support I have been given. Keeping my eye on those who love me cause, as Dr. Seuss says “those who matter, don’t mind and those who mind don’t matter.” That can help me stay focused on my truth, not others truth, but mine, and expressing it in the way that feels authentic to me. I am feeling more and more courageous as I push through yesterday’s thoughts. Reminding myself that no matter what happens with this adventure, it’s not about others it is about my growth, my lessons, my practice of self-love and having faith that those who do need this, who do matter, will benefit. 


So, in life when you are presented with the choice of what seeds to water. Be it seeds of abundance, your blessings, your cheerleading squad, or seeds of lack, the haters, those who don’t get it. Which will you focus on. It’s up to you.

Back To My Roots Part I

Back To My Roots Part I

What If?

What If?