Back To My Roots Part II

Back To My Roots Part II


I am still amazed at how much my natural hair / going gray journey has taught me so much about accepting and loving myself. It has helped me become a better me. 


Natural holistic lifestyle. 

I started doing research on ingredients that are in my hair products and started to use things that promoted more growth for my scalp and overall health. Now I am not 100% natural cause there are some products like ECO styler gel that are not 100% natural, but it gives me bomb results so I still use it. I have at least dramatically decreased the number of unhealthy products I use. I went from top to bottom. First my scalp. Then I changed what I put on my body and then it went to my diet.  Again it became a lifestyle to look to be more “natural” in all things.



Envy  is real, whether it be for curl texture, color, volume or length. It happens we are human. When I first started my journey and even now 7 years later being on IG it still comes up. So I haven’t eliminated it BUT I have learned when it comes up to remember that it’s ok to appreciate and admire others hair but to find what I love about my hair and be content. I find that helped me to be less impatient or to start thinking something is wrong with my hair. It also help me to not rob myself of the joy of learning MY hair and what works for my hair. Our hair is as unique as we are. Embrace your unique texture, length, color, or volume.



It takes longer than you think to enjoy the process. This also encompasses contentment too because you can compare as I do sometimes with my sister, how long it takes for your hair to get a certain length or achieve a certain style.



I have gained peace by accepting that my hair will not have the same volume as my sister or other naturals I admire. My shrinkage is here to stay. I won’t achieve the length of some naturals. My gray hair is here to stay also. I have thin edges no matter how much JBCO oil I put on them. My hair is fine so it won’t be as thick as others. Not everyone will love my hair but as long as I do that is what matters.


One of the frequent questions I get asked is how do you get your hair to do that? I know way more now 7 years ago. The hair journey is definitely full of trial and error. I can tell you what I do but you won’t know what your hair does until you try yourself.  I have experimented with many different hairstyles, straightening my hair and coloring it. I know now that my hair is best in its curly state rather than straight and not much heat, my curls pop and are in their element when in a wash and go style. I am still in learning mode though especially with my silver curls. They are very different than my black strands so I have short hair so I am learning how to keep this style. I learned I am more interested in a good shape over length. I have embraced my shrinkage so length is not a priority for me. I am learning what is the best state for my hair to be in to get a good cut. I learned my hair shrinks at different lengths. I’m in trial and error continually and I am enjoying it. 


Things are not as bad as you fear, they can be better than you imagine. I did not become natural or go gray to get attention. I have found though that I have recieved so many more compliments from strangers then I ever did with relaxed hair or when I was coloring my hair. I was so nervous when I had no hair from the big chop and I appreciated my face so much more cause it was at center stage. I learned I could handle way more than I thought I could. When I big chopped the first time I was overweight and still rock an inch of hair so that gave me more confidence the second time around cause I knew if I could rock it then I can now too. So take the plunge it might be better than you think. 



At the end of the day being natural is ME. It is the texture that comes out of my head undisturbed by me and the color that comes out of my hair. Shrinkage is a part my hair journey. I find so much more freedom and peace letting my hair do what it does. It thanks me when I don’t mess with it too much. 


My natural hair is a part of me but does not define me. Although it is only hair it has taught me major life lessons about health, contentment, patience, acceptance, knowledge, courage and authenticity.

Compassionate Practice of Surrender

Compassionate Practice of Surrender

Back To My Roots Part I

Back To My Roots Part I