How You Can Be Confident During Gray Hair Transition
On the fence about going gray? You won’t know if you like it until you try!
My confidence grew as I committed to the decision I made to grow out my gray.
What is Confidence?
I heard Mel Robbins say “confidence is the willingness to try”. I always thought that confidence came before we made the decision but the gray hair journey helped me to see that was not true. It doesn’t start with belief it happens with action.
When you try something for the first time it is normal to feel scared because of the unknown and I feel with the gray hair journey there are so many narratives to unlearn.
Do It Anyway!
We can “leap afraid” as Lisa Nichols says and try it with the realistic understanding that you can’t base if you will like your gray hair by the new growth also known as “grombre”.
It was very awkward in the beginning for me and the confidence grew as I committed to the decision I made to grow out my gray.
If you don’t feel confident when you decide to stop dyeing your hair that’s ok you will gain confidence along the way. Here’s another quote that I have found to be true in my case.
“Start today because a year from today you will be glad you started. Just do it but don’t judge if it’s for you too soon. ”
Watch this video to find some ideas on how to deal with your roots while transitioning to gray.