If You Have Dry Gray Natural Hair Try This!!

Do you notice your hair is drier since it is gray? Gray hair tends to be dryer than pigmented hair because the loss of melanin also means loss of sebum or oil to keep hair moisturized. If you are gray AND natural you have more reason for dryness with your gray hair because kinkier hair has a harder time for the sebum from the scalp to reach the whole shaft of the hair. All the more reason to try to do a pre-poo treatment to help keep your gray hair moisturized.

How Being a Mom Inspired Me To Go Gray

I thank my son for giving me the push I needed to go gray out of necessity and convenience. Being a mom was a game-changer for me and as you moms know the realness after your child is born and you are sleep-deprived and out of your mind. When I saw how much energy I needed to take care of him and give him the care that he deserved it made me look at areas of my life where I could simplify my routines.

10 Factors To Consider When Choosing Hair Products.

Besides helping you practically with how-tos and product recommendations my ultimate goal is to help you to embrace your hair at whatever it’s curl pattern, gray hair pattern, porosity, and density. I want you to know your beauty is not defined by any of those characteristics of your hair. I want you to feel loved by the hair you have.