Dr. Kristen Neff's work on self-compassion was a life changer for me. Introducing me to what was missing in my life. A short practical video on how to give yourself the gift of compassion.
This video of JP Sears gives an essential tool I use to practice self-love.
Dr. Brene Brown is another life changing researcher. She does research on things that require self-love. Shame and vulnerability. Enjoy this powerful short video about being enough and about how to say no. It is based on her amazing book The Gifts of Imperfection.
This video's suggestion is apart of my daily self-love practice. To be applied more than once a day.
The amazing Marie Forleo gives awesome tip on what to do when getting stuck in analysis paralysis or fear of trying something new.
Yes Yes!! Lisa Nichols is a life changing speaker who knows the power of one's story for inspiration. Watch this motivating video! It helped me with putting this blog together. Her words so quotable.
Ali Washington from the Perception Trainers is truly a space holder for others on their self-love path.