Love Knows No Limit
He teaches me that loves knows no limit!
Are you a boy mom?
I am thankful more and more each day for the lessons my son has taught me about unconditional love, acceptance, and compassion.
I’m still blown away at how much he has taught me in almost five years.
Being a special-needs mom has made me appreciate things that others would so easily take for granted.
The Myth Some Have of Those Who Are Autistic
My son is on the autism spectrum and I had many fears about that but with each day my son reminds me that love knows no limit. I have seen and heard the myth that those with autism are not affectionate.
My son would have issues when hugged or kissed. He would put his hand on his cheek so I could kiss his hand. He did have some sensory-type issues with touch but there were also times he was open to it. From repetition and not giving up in showing him affection, he knows that is one way to show love.
Well, my son today proved to me that what you pour into your child you can get back. While I was working in my room my loving hubby made lunch and my son brought it upstairs to me and when he did he stopped and said: “Mommy I love you and enjoy your lunch!” Cue mouth drop and heart melt.
There isn’t a day that I haven’t told my son that I love him. He did not say it back at first and I know it’s not because he doesn’t love me it’s because he didn’t know-how. So by me saying to him I love you he knows that’s what you say to those you care about. It’s one thing when I say it to him first to prompt him to say it but when he does it on his own omg the satisfaction is priceless.
No matter what his challenges or struggles are the more I meet them with acceptance, love, and compassion the more I see it come alive in him. Just like we adults can have different love languages, as children and those with special needs they show love unique to them and that is ok.
My Son Has Taught Me
Be patient and have faith in the process and you WILL see results. He did it in his own time not when I wanted but when he was ready.
He taught me that not everyone loves in the same way and to accept his way of showing me love while also showing him the “norm”. Autism is a spectrum for a reason. Not everyone will have the same symptoms, challenges, or struggles. But they each will have their ability to express love in the best way they know-how and that is ENOUGH.
He helped me be grateful for things that others may take for granted. This year my son has flourished with his speech in a way I had not imagined. He is becoming more and more communicative with his feelings and it’s such a joy to see.
He reminds me when there are things about me that I want to change, make better, or accept about myself I need to give it time and have patience trusting the process of getting there and I WILL see results.
Struggling with self-acceptance?
If you are struggling with accepting all of yourself or with the changes that are happening in your life. Remember that love is the best foundation for growth. Apply compassion by
Being patient trusting the process.
Forgiving yourself often.
Keep making the choice to love you no matter what.
Each week I send out a newsletter with compassionate tips to help you get better at giving yourself the love and compassion you so freely give to others. Sign up for your weekly support here.
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