It’s all in how I look at it. Will I let my thoughts for today empower me or zap me of the strength I need to get through today?
It’s all in how I look at it. Will I let my thoughts for today empower me or zap me of the strength I need to get through today?
These two words can be sabotaging or they can be empowering depending the direction I take them.
This quote from Dave Grohl gives me motivation also. “No one else is like you and that is your power.”
In the middle, you stop being who you were and you practice being who you want to be
Ok, how ironic that my first post is going to be about having the courage to even start this blog.
As it happened though I did become pregnant and although not planned, becoming a mom has become my greatest teacher of self-love. Being a mom is my self-love inspiration
I had a lot of myths of what self-love is. I thought self-love meant that I would like and love myself all the time. I wouldn’t have a negative thought about myself or I wouldn’t beat up on myself.
All this time I thought those words needed to come from the lips of everyone else...