Enough is Enough!

Therein lies my struggle. I know having chronic conditions can limit how much I can do but it doesnā€™t limit me from doing something. What I still needed work with was being ok with what I did accomplish. Making what I did do ENOUGH.

That black and white thinking that says if I canā€™t do it to this level then itā€™s not worth it. This feels too easy it should be harder or I should be struggling.

Consistency Over Intensity

We have all heard of the tortoise and the hare. We learned that slow and steady win the race. That is not what is promoted though. Everything is about instant results. I am seeing how part of the difficulty in going slow is impatience and discontent.

10 Factors To Consider When Choosing Hair Products.

Besides helping you practically with how-tos and product recommendations my ultimate goal is to help you to embrace your hair at whatever itā€™s curl pattern, gray hair pattern, porosity, and density. I want you to know your beauty is not defined by any of those characteristics of your hair. I want you to feel loved by the hair you have.

How Words or Stories Have Power

Have you ever read an article book or watched a video and feel like ā€œOMG ā€œthatā€™s meā€ or ā€œIā€™m not the only one who feels like that.ā€ I will never forget the feeling I had when someone told me that a video I did let them feel seen.

Done is Better Than Perfect

So donā€™t let things not just right stopping you from learning and doing better. Here is a reframe: the fear of not doing just right on the first try is not the issue; it's being open to getting better by trying and having realistic expectations.

The Power of Perspective in Times of Struggle

When I first had my son I was beyond blown away at how little I could do besides take care of him. I found myself saying many times I did ā€œnothingā€ today based on the state of how my home looked. But I am thankful that a good friend of mine helped me gain perspective. She reminded me of all the things I do to keep my son alive. Things that are easy to minimize.

Are You Making These 3 Mistakes When You Rest During a Flare-Up?

Itā€™s not hard to sit myself down when I am in pain or exhausted. But, even though I am physically still, do you know what doesnā€™t stop? My brain.Can you relate? I have learned throughout the years that even though I may be conserving my physical energy with rest I was not conserving my mental and emotional energy with the thoughts I was thinking or the shame I felt because I could not do what I set out to.

The Invisible Struggle

I remember many a time when I was in a dark place and read someoneā€™s story and felt less alone. it was just what I needed. I appreciate all the courageous bloggers who shared their experiences and that inspired me to do the same. 

It's Ok Moms ... And I'll Tell You Why

One of my goals with this blog is being ā€˜compassionately realā€™ about things I struggle with. What I have learned is before I can get to solutions, I must acknowledge where I am and not make myself feel that until I get to the improved me that is when I can give myself compassion.